Vila Arkoudi s výhľadom na more, stolným tenisom, ihriskom na petang a kino

Sivota Lefkada, Lefkada

Zarezervuj hneď
  • 4 Spálne
  • 4 Kúpelne
  • 8 Počet osôb
  • 150m²Rozloha

Dobre vybavená a pohodlná vila s ohromujúcim výhľadom na Jónske ostrovy. Široká ponuka zábavy a služieb, budete sa cítiť ako doma!


  • 24hod Check-in
  • Parkovanie pre invalidov
  • Klimatizácia
  • Antický
  • Art Déco
  • Neštandardný
  • Detská vanička
  • Detská postieľka
  • Odporúčanie opatrovateľky
  • Balkón
  • Barokový
  • Barbeque
  • Bicykel
  • Mixér
  • Loď
  • Dok pre pristavenie lode
  • Plachtenie
  • Knihy
  • Petanque ihrisko
  • Detektor oxidu uhoľnatého
  • Stropné ventilátory
  • Kino
  • Vyčistené a vydezinfikované
  • Čistiace prostriedky
  • Kávovar
  • Vrátnik / Domovník
  • Bezkontaktný príchod a odchod
  • Moderný
  • Cyklistika
  • Denné upratovnie
  • Umývačka riadu
  • Potápanie
  • Dvd prehrávač
  • Ekologický
  • Empire štýl
  • Energy-efficient devices
  • Základné vybavenie
  • Extra vankúše a prikrývky
  • Hasiaci prístroj
  • Krb
  • Balíček prvej pomoci
  • Rybárčenie
  • Upratovanie v cene
  • Mraznička
  • Chladnička
  • Plne vybavená kuchyňa
  • Herňa
  • Záhrada
  • Centrálna vstupná brána
  • Uzavretý pozemok
  • Rukavice k dispozícii
  • Telocvičňa
  • Sušič na vlasy
  • Bezbariérový prístup
  • Dezinfekcia na ruky
  • Vešiaky
  • Kúrenie
  • Vysoká stolička
  • Turistika
  • Historický
  • Hi-tech
  • Vysávač
  • Jazda na koni
  • Teplá voda
  • Výrobník ľadu
  • Internet
  • Žehlička
  • Masážna sprcha
  • Kajak
  • Rýchlovarná konvica
  • Uspôsobené pre deti
  • Detský bazén
  • Vhodné pre prácu s laptopom
  • Bielizeň, uteráky
  • Dlhodobý prenájom
  • Masky k dispozícii
  • Masáž na požiadanie
  • Mikrovlnka
  • Minimalistický
  • Sieťka proti komárom
  • Jazda na horských bicykloch
  • Hudobná knižnica
  • No single-use plastic
  • No single-use toiletries
  • Organic food & beverages
  • Trúba na pečenie
  • Veslovanie
  • Parasailing
  • Parkovanie v cene
  • Domáce zvieratá povolené
  • Ping Pong
  • Kryt bazénu
  • Nekonečný bazén
  • Vonkajší bazén
  • Krytý bazén (sezónny)
  • Súkromný bazén
  • Bazén so slanou vodou
  • Súkromný vozový park
  • Osobný kuchár
  • Súkromný vchod
  • Profesionálne vyčistené
  • Výstup po schodoch
  • Skalné lezenie
  • Romantický
  • Trezor
  • Plachtenie
  • Satelit / káblovka
  • Sauna
  • Výhľad na more
  • Strážené parkovisko
  • Bezpečnostný systém
  • Vodné lyžovanie
  • Detektor dymu
  • Zákaz fajčenia
  • Šnorchlovanie
  • Spoločenský odstup
  • Solárium
  • Zamestnanci používajú ochranné prostriedky
  • Stereo ozvučenie
  • Varná doska
  • Vhodné pre deti (2+ rokov)
  • Vhodné pre kojencov (Pod 2 roky)
  • Plávanie
  • Telefón
  • Terasa
  • Hriankovač
  • Výmena uterákov na vyžiadanie
  • Hračky
  • Skladacia detská postieľka
  • Tv
  • Ventilátor
  • Viktoriánský
  • Filmová knižnica
  • Vinica
  • Práčka
  • Vodné športy
  • Vhodné na svadby
  • Windsurfing
  • Poháre na víno
  • Drevený


  • Available
  • Unavailable


2 Hodnotenia
1 Krajiny
3.5 / 5
  1. Beautiful Villa but too many issues

    Beautiful place but would not recommend to anyone until the issues we experienced were rectified. The villa is NOT 300m from the sea. From the turn before Sivota Bay, the road up to the villa is 3km, and is atrocious, the hub caps on our car were all scratched up from driving on the roads. Very easy to pop a tire - Jerome said he knows people to come fix it, so must happen a lot. The villa itself is beautiful. When we got there and were given our tour, numerous issues were pointed out to us that Jerome said would be “fixed the next day”. Still upon check out the issues had not been resolved. - the screen door into the villa was hanging on by some. duct tape,and was not usable. - Ants everywhere in the kitchen. Even in the dishwasher on clean dishes. There were also large spiders killed daily throughout the villa. Vaso told us to buy our own bug spray and do it ourselves. - The dishwasher does not actually clean the dishes. - There wasn’t even salt and pepper in the kitchen for us. - for $1000 CDN per night, we expected at the very least Salt and pepper. We were told to go buy it ourselves which wasn’t helpful when we had already picked up food to the villa and the nearest grocery store is a 20 minute drive. - The water pressure to the two upstairs rooms was often not enough to flush a toilet, and and the wster pressure was so low the showers couldn’t be used. They first told us it was an electrical issue they knew of and then said we were out of water and more would be hauled in then next day. The water issue was never resolved. There was a strong sewer smell coming from the shower drains and those staying in those rooms woke up with headaches. It was so bad three members of our party left the villa to stay elsewhere. Jerome told us they knew of the issue and to close the drains (doesn’t keep the smell out, just moves it to another room). - there is no cell service up on the mountain. It was a terrible way to end a vacation.

    2.0/5 August 2024

  2. We didn’t want to leave!

    So many beautiful things about this home. It has everything you need. The basement was cool and comfortable with a cinema. We didn’t even use it as were to busy enjoying the pool. The Reims are all spacious and en suites are gorgeous. The water pressure is not greasy, but to no fault of the owners and the internet only works in a couple of the rooms. Our teens founds this annoying but it did encourage them to stay in living room more with us. It was a wonderful week and Vasso was just brilliant at communicating when we were there. Thank you!!

    5.0/5 August 2024